Rezaayi Esfahaani, Muhammad-`Ali, Qur'an va Imam Husayn, Imam Husayn va Qur'an, Qom: Enteshaaraat-e Pazhuheshhaa-ye Tafsir va `Olum-e
Qur'an, 1393 Sh/ 2014. 424 pp. Paperback. 200,000 Rls.

By Dr. Muhammad-Reza Fakhr-Rohani
University of Qom

   Imam al-Husayn's epoch-making movement and especially his triumphant Ashura resistance were profoundly based on and linked with the Holy Quran. His movement meant to preserve Islam and the Quran; his movement proved that safeguarding the Holy Quran deserves
sacrificing one's life, be it that of an infallible imam. The above book is a recent publication in the realm of the connections between Imam al-Husayn and the Quran.

   The above book consists of two long chapters, with each one divided into further sections, and a bibliography. It is important to note that the book makes a fine category of the Quranic verses concerned with Imam al-Husayn, hence the term "Aayaat al-Husayn". This proves the special honor Imam al-Husayn has gained before Allah in that a number of verses are concerned with and related to him. 

    Chapter One deals with the status of the Holy Quran in the eyes of Imam al-Husayn, the role of the Holy Quran in the life and times of Imam al-Husayn, the services Imam al-Husayn rendered to the Holy Quran, the Quranic basis of Imam al-Husayn's movement, and Imam al-Husayn's exegeses of certain Quranic verses. Chapter Two deals with the Aayaat al-Husayn. Here over 100 Quranic verses are analyzed with their explanations that pertain to Imam al-Husayn. The book trances them in accordance with their occurrence from the beginning of the Quran to the end. More importantly, all these Quranic verses were revealed unto the Prophet Muhammad while Imam al-Husayn was still a
child, long before the tragic scene of the event of Ashura that took place at Karbala in 61 AH/ 680.